Sunday, 30 November 2014

Tip: 7 Blogging Mistakes that Can Stop Your Blog Growth

"Anyone who has never made a mistake has never tried anything new"
― Albert Einstein

So making mistakes is not sin not correcting it is foolishness! ;)

There are thousands of new bloggers coming up daily; most of them start make money, few out of passion and few to set up career, but we seen only few reach their goal and thousands of them fail!

And the reason is they don't try to correct their mistakes.

Do You Make these 7 Blogging Mistakes?

If you're a newbie or not yet started blogging, these are few common mistakes that you need to avoid to have successful blog.

7 Blogging Mistakes that Can Stop Your Blog Growth

#1 Inconsistency in Blog Posting

I pray to be like the ocean, with soft currents, maybe waves at times. More and more, I want the consistency rather than the highs and the lows.

Yes being consistence is very important when it comes to blogging.

Inconsistency in blogging kills your blog. It makes your readers to lose trust on your blog. Also, it may affect your rankings directly or indirectly.

If you have more time for blogging and have lot of confidence that you can write daily, then go for it.

But If you can`t spend time writing daily (like me). Write 2 or 3 posts (at least 1) weekly and make sure this goes consistently.

#2 Underestimating SEO

7 Blogging Mistakes that Can Stop Your Blog Growth
SEO plays vital role for blog success, underestimating it is big mistake which most of them doing.
Does this mean that worthy content is of no use? No, if SEO increase your blog visibility, then content attracts visitors to your blog.

Few quick SEO tips

Add keyword in your post title
Spend some time on keyword analysis
Improve your blog speed
Compress images before adding it on your blog
Maintain keyword density
Link to related posts (internal linking)
Build links with guest blogging, blog commenting, YouTube etc…

#3 Writing for Bots

In 2nd point I mentioned that SEO is important soon I added this point to make clearer, that we need to write to attract users to only bots.

I recommended few SEO tips before which helps your blog get more visibility but the last and important game is played by content.

What if I write worthy content in single paragraph?

Will not attract any user, internet users don`t have much time to read your paragraph writing. You need to write a readable post with bullets and highlight important points.

I`d like to mention about Internal linking here! This will help you to decrease bounce rate of your blog and give more information to user.

#4 No interaction With Fellow Bloggers

Interaction helps to improve your blog performance.
Being active in your niche network can bring you more opportunities.

You can Join blogging networks like, Blog etc… and connect with fellow bloggers.

#5 Ignoring Visitors

Engage with your visitors this will help you to know what your users need.

Blog comments are the place where most of visitors interact with blog owner, so take time to respond to their queries. Be first to help them if they have any problem.

When someone approaches you through email then try to add him and give quickly reply.

If anything went wrong don`t step back to apologies.

Another way to interact with users is Email marketing, send regular newsletter to your subscribed users, and suggest them few blogging tips. Give some special gifts to your subscribed users.

#6 Spending too Much Time on Blog Stats

Don`t expect too much from just born blog.

Your blog is new and it takes more time to get good results. So don`t spend time daily on analytics. Once a while is OK, but wasting time on it will not return you anything.

#7 Being Everywhere

Is being everywhere over the web recommended?

No am not against going social but if you`re wasting time being on all social networking sites by checking status, sharing and not spending time on your blog. Then I don`t recommend being everywhere.

Select few top social networking sites in which you can get targeted visitors. Like if you are targeting Brazil then your must not ignore Orkut! So depending upon your niche try different but less social networking sites.

Sunday, 9 November 2014

How to Block Ads on Android Apps and Browsers

The Android users always get annoyed from the extra and useless ads on Android apps and Browsers. They simply want to get rid of them. Therefore, today we are going to share a method to block ads.

If I tell you my views on those extra ads, so, I would simply say you that it is really annoying. Every user want to work in free and friendly environment. Hence, to enjoy that friendly environment you are supposed to perform some sort of tricks.

You can use this methods to block ads on Android apps and browsers. Ones, you have applied this trick then you will be able to use apps without ads and browse the internet without the interruption of extra ads.

Why to Block Ads on Android Apps and Browsers?
First of all, let me elaborate it more for you. You are supposed to block ads in order to enjoy the clean and friendly environment.

When you block ads for your apps and browsers then it makes your app work faster and increases the browsing speed of your internet, since, the interruption has removed from your Android.

Block Ads on Android Apps and Browsers
So, friends here comes the main part of the post, which will make you understand that, “how to block ads on Android Apps and Browsers?” We are going to use two different methods for doing so.

You can select any of your convenient method and can start blocking the ads for your apps and browsers. These both methods work awesome and fine.

Method 1:- Block Ads Using Adblock Plus for Android

This is the first method which we have got for you guys to help you out in blocking the ads using Adblock Plus. In this method root is not required at all.

First of all, you need to enable unknown sources-you can disable it after ending the block ads process. To enable unknown sources you are supposed to go to Settings >> Security >> Applications
After enabling the unknown sources, you are supposed to download Adblock Plus APK. After the completion of  downloading Install it
After the installing, run Adblock Plus for your Android device and enable filtering. Then it will automatically done the proxy setting for your device.
However, if it does not do the automatic proxy setting for your devices then you can do it manually as well by referring this official guide
Ones you have done and followed all the steps then it will start doing its work and will start blocking useless and annoying ads on Android apps and browsers.
Note: Adblock Plus will keep on blocking ads until it is enabled, ones you have disabled it then it will not block ads for your device.

Method 2:- Block Ads Using AdAway App

This is another awesome and workable method which can be used to block ads using AdAway app. This is the app which really works and gives you awesome results.

However, to get benefit from this method, you are supposed to have rooted device. If you don’t have a root device then you can make your device rooted with the help of below guide and then follow the steps mentioned below:

After rooting your device (If not have already), you are supposed to enable the unknown sources. To enable unknown sources you are supposed to go to Settings >> Security >> Applications. You can disable it after finishing the blocking of ads.
Afterwards, download the AdAway App for you device and then Install it too
Ones, installation is done then this AddAway app will scan your device compatibility-let it scan.
Afterwards, it will ask you for the root access, grant It and then Click on Download Files and Apply Ad Blocking, then wait for while to modify it
Then restart your device, now the ads on Apps and browsers will be blocked. It will be blocking your ads automatically, you are not supposed to open it on each restart.

These are the two famous methods which can be used to block ads on Android apps and browsers. You can ensure the friendly surfing and using of Android apps without useless ads.

Thank You for spending your valuable time with us..