Monday, 31 August 2015

Microsoft Windows 10 THREATS*

Microsoft’s newest OS has been in the limelight for quite a while now. Ever since the launching of the official version of Windows 10 became more than just a promise and the operating system was made available to PC users from all around the world at the end of this July, the tech giant has been trying to protect its privacy. But what that actually means is that Microsoft has taken measures against possible Windows 10 pirate copies being leaked online and being shared between users.
The corporation has just changed their official Services Agreement with PC users. According to the new terms in the Agreement, Microsoft is able to do some quite shocking changes to your devices. It can not only gather information about all the files stored on them, but it can also run a torrent tracker in order to check for illegal Windows 10 files, which may lead to the distribution of pirate versions of the OS. The tracker is designed to ban such files, to locate them on the hard drive and to even locate the other people with whom these files have been shared with. Microsoft’s desperate attempt to protect its newest operating system has apparently gone too far, because some reports show that the Agreement can actually do so much more than the above listed.
Thanks to the new terms, the company can install software updates (such as the torrent trackers, which are banning illegal Windows 10 files), which also have the power to even block the access to unauthorized peripheral hardware devices. After these news were leaked some torrent trackers like FSC and BB decided to ban Windows 10 users altogether. Other torrent groups have also expressed their concern regarding these shocking news. They claim that it’s safer to simply ban the OS because of the limitless power it has over the personal data it can collect and share as Microsoft sees fit.
 Troubling, isn’t it?


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